Bamboozle what am i. Baamboozle+ NEW! Baamboozle+ .
Bamboozle what am i This Job Riddles Public Service Careers - Who am I? Community Who am i. 10 This person (usually a man) flies a plane. What is her job? She's a baker. 15 I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from tops of trees, I don’t have to climb up them though. I am not as big as a ship. 15 I have wings, a tail and engines. 15 I was an American actress, singer, and model who died in the 60s. Watch, read, think and guess Christmas words. Reindeers I am used for colouring in and drawing. Zebra. 15 I go on the water. Our most popular games of all time! what am I? (food) Share Share Share by Nastasiyadim. a cow. How is that possible? All the people on the boat are married. support@baamboozle. What am I? Chicken. What am I? a fire. What is it? The word "WRONG" 15 Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? I am a small fruit that comes in a variety of colors, like purple, blue, red, yellow and green. Backwards I am not. I am served at birthday parties. 15 Why is Join millions of students and teachers playing educational games for free! Forget about devices and simply play from a single screen, in class or online. Who am I? Donald Trump. I have eight legs, two big claws and a tail. More. A lion. I have a mane. 5 What am I? I am served in a bun. I am used for drawing straight lines. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. 15 I am an American actress and producer. I am a country known for its pyramids and ancient history. I live in Africa and I eat grass. 20 I protect your hands from snow and ice. 10 I take care of your garden: I cut the grass, remove weeds and plant flowers. I can go very fast. New folder Save Cancel It's cold. I can add, subtract, multiply and divide. I am served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon. You can carry me on your back or in your hand. Baamboozle+ NEW! I am a bird, but I rarely fly. What am I? A meercat. What am I? I am a shopkeeper! 15 I drive a car. 15 My mom paid the lady some In this What Am I? game, children will practice their inferring skills by figuring out an object based on a set of clues. 15 I am an insect. I am a place that people visit on halloween. I like to eat vegetables. I I am the kind of food that monkeys like to eat and if you throw my clothes on the ground, people could slip and fall. hollyparry 34 27,565 Random Riddles. I taste good on a sunny day. 15 I'm a colorful gourd that's often carved into spooky faces. 15 I live in the desert. 15 I have a tail. I have a tusk and a trunk. Who am I? Quiz. a backpack. I smell nice; you can pick me if you want. 15 It is always pronounced wrong, even by scholars and even by teachers. I am dark, creaky and spooky. I will disappear at night. 15 i am usually worn by girls i can be long or short i cover people from waist downwards. bat. 15 What question can you never answer ''yes'' to? Are you asleep/dead? 15 What kind of dog never bites? A hot dog. I have a hard pit inside of me. 25 What am I? An elephant. I rhyme with HUM. bee. What am I? A pig! 10 I live in the forest. My home is a big burrow which I share with my family. I take care of animals. I work in a shop or mall. 15 How many months of the year have 28 days? all of them. 25 Who Am I and What Movie Do I appear In? Elsa & Frozen . 25 Play for Free. 15 Play for Free. I am funny and cute and like to play with toys and balls. I grow and turn into a butterfly. Who am I? farmer. a skirt. 15 I am a bird. 15 i have sleeves i have a zip or buttons i keep you warm i sometimes have a hood. 15 What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? a clock. 15 You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. A helmet. I come in many different flavours. 15 A person who flies an aircraft. Show More. I like to eat grass. 15 I work in the zoo and take care of the animals. Also introduces "this and that" as well as "these and those". I played an important What am I? A coffin. 15 I am your best friend. 20 I’m hot and I live in the sky. I can be scary! I can also have 4 eyes and 3 heads! What am I? money. Ice cream. I am made out of metal. I'm a room that you can eat. I am . Who am I? Zoo keeper. 15 You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. 15 I am small. I am very tall. Who am I? astronaut. 5 What are you WEARING? Is it NEW OR OLD? I am wearing AN OLD JUMPER. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'who am i' Questions for 'Who am I?' Group sort. 10 I am a tool used to measure length or distance, often found in a roll or retractable casing. Who am I? The Rock - What am I? (starts with E) equinox. What am I? A butterfly. 15 I am a male chicken. 15 I am small and brown. 15 I am small and shy. My body has a hard shell. I give milk. Play Study Slideshow Share ejbondoc 73 #English #jobs #profession. I usually have milk poured on top of me. trainers / sneakers. What am I? A bell. 15 When you look at me, you can only see yourself. Klasa 6 Klasa 7 Klasa 8 Podstawówka Gimnazjum Dorośli Liceum Technikum Szkoła branżowa Edukacja specjalna Angielski food. 20 I Am From Under The Sea Who Am I ? The Little Mermaid . I am a carnivore. I can fly. . I live on the farm. JOBS / Who am I? Game Code: 2071613 English 16 Public jobs. Riddles can be a great way to practice speaking with ESL students. I have a long tail and I can jump high. I can swing from trees. caterpillar. Activity about the present perfect simple and continuous I am wearing a yellow T-shirt and red pants. I am usually awake at night. I have four legs, and very sharp teeth. These riddles often involve wordplay, lateral thinking, and problem-solving abilities to decipher the hidden Baamboozle is a simple online platform suitable for classroom use and beyond. Blog; Pricing; Contact us; Help center; Sign in; Game Preview Christmas Riddles Game Code: 791172 English 24 Featured Read the given clue to figure out what I am. I have 4 long legs. I pick people up. What am I? Lobster. 15 Kids return to me after a long break, filling my What am I? A barber. What am I? I am a taxi driver! 15 I work in a hospital. I look like a horse. I will live for a long time just don’t forget to water me. New folder Save Cancel A: How can I help you? B: One ticket to Milan, What is a type of energy that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind or water called? I am mixing flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate chips in a bowl. 15 I usually have 4 legs. 5 What am I? I am sweet. a penguin. 15 What question can you never answer yes to? Are you asleep yet? 15 What is always in front of you but can't be seen? the future. Christmas vocabulary. What am I? A banana. Play Study Slideshow Share nscole 644 What am I? Balloon. I make honey. Halloween Who am I? I am good for moving things from one place to another. 15 i cover your feet i am worn to go outside you can walk or run with me. Baamboozle+ . What am I? backpack. Share 1 Object - 3 Words. What am I? A kangaroo. In this post, you’ll find 4 fun ‘What Am I?’ quizzes I sound like one letter, but am written with three. 10 What are you wearing? I am a red T-shirt and blue shorts. I have a motor. After that I'll put the tray into the oven. I make a ringing sound. Share What Am I? Class PIN. 15 I have brown and orange spots. 15 I always follow you around everywhere you go at night. 15 With soap and water, you can create me I am a movable, often human-like figure that you can control with your hands or strings. 15 I am a wild animal. Flash cards is an open-ended template. com. I have wings. What country am I? uQuiz. What am I? A penguin. Next I will use a spoon to put small scoops onto a tray. Share to be (am,is,are) What am I? A jacket. 15 Blue, Sunny What am I? Frog. What am I? The Sun. I say oink oink. Games; Blog; Class PIN; Join for Free; Sign in; Toggle Navigation. 15 A person whose job is to stop fires from burning. I have black and white stripes. 15 I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. 15 September skies are clearer, and I'm a luminous object that can be seen at night. by Auesometeam. 5 What are you WEARING? Is it BIG OR SMALL? I am wearing SMALL T-SHIRT. I have red and white stripes. Who am I? Santa. It #Colors #vocabulary #Trivia #descriptions #guess #fun #What am i. truck. What am I? acorn. I often work weekends. Save to Folder. What am I? sleeping bag. Upgrade. What am I? Plum! 15 I am a crunchy vegetable, with a lot of vitamin C and fiber. Leaderboard. Elephant. What am I? moon. Class PIN. I have big ears and a long trunk. Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. What am I? Mirror. What am I? a towel. 25 People visit me on Halloween. I taste good with ketchup and cheese. 15 I used to be a famous wrestler but now I am an actor. 15 If you’re good, I will visit you once a year. A person can sleep in me. What am I? Puppet. 5 What is she wearing? She is wearing a What am I? a candle. 5 Play for Free. HelloHello 27 43,558 Rebus, Riddles, and More! Rebus puzzles use pictures, symbols, and Forwards I am heavy. Usually we come in a pair and as siblings, specifically brothers. Math riddles to help pass the time. Michelle Obama. What am I? A pair of boots. I help people. What am I? Toggle Navigation. Share JOBS / Who am I? Class PIN. The witch ____ cook. 15 What is full of holes but still holds water? a sponge. Join for free page. 15 Riddle in 90 seconds: Why did a man, born in December, celebrate his birthday in summer? Because he is from Australia. 25 People usually eat me in the morning. You call me when there is a fire. 10 I am used at school. 15 I live under the bed or in the closet. What am I? A cow. I agree to get emails about fun stuff on Baamboozle Can you name all of the famous people in these photos? Describe what each of the characters are wearing to review clothing vocabulary. 15 I’m beautiful in many different colours. Enter me if you dare! Haunted house. What am I? A zebra. Dog. a monkey. 15 I grow food like potatoes or corn. white (snow) 15 It looks like a Sign in page. The answers usually are not easily discerned and require some challenging thinking. Bamboozle riddles are a unique form of brain teasers that challenge your critical thinking skills and creativity. Riddles are a fantastic way to practice vocabulary and also engage students to think outside the box. What am I? a cup. In this article, we have “What Am I?” riddles for kids and What am I? An alligator/crocodile! 10 I am pink, fat, and I have a funny nose. I have long hoses and ladders. Who am I? Elon Musk. What am I? An owl. Practise Christmas vocabulary. cereals. What am I? Parrot. 15 Guess What Animal I Am! Riddles about animals. I am very big and strong. What am I? ton. I eat plants and live in the forests. I eat anything I can find. Chair. This Christmas quiz is a ‘What Am I?’ style quiz in which students will read 3 sentences that describe a Christmas word. What am I? pumpkin. I make a ‘hoot’ sound. 15 I Who am I? A hat. I have two legs. What am I? a spider. 15 I am an American attorney and served as first lady of the United States. What am I? snow. 15 I have 2 arms, 2 legs, and a tail. Games PIN Join for Free. Ghosts live here. I am a bird, but I rarely fly. We are both plumbers. Grape. I can make honey. I have four legs and two big ears. 15 I can be red or green I get grown on a vine I’m dried to make raisins Or squeezed to help make wine. 15 What am I? Christmas game. I can fly. Embed. With my many legs, I swing from tree to tree. Show Hide. I can whistle and I can talk. I am black and white. I like to eat bananas. What am I? A candy cane. What am I? “What Am I?” riddles provide a unique way of asking one to think outside the box. 15 I live on a farm. Fingers think I'm very nice. 20 You wear this on your head when you ride a bike or scooter. Make quizzes, send them viral. What am I? Santa Claus. 15 What am I? An onion. 15 People eagerly anticipate my arrival for cooler weather and falling leaves. Who are we? Mario and Luigi. I am an electronic instrument. desk. What am I?” (Ans: Penguin). Some people think that I look like a little green tree! to be (am,is,are) Game Code: 1081919 English 17 Public using the verb to be in affirmative sentenses in present simple. a hen. I am in your classroom. 20 Who Are We? Beauty And The Beast. Chicken. A pilot. crayons. When breakfast you What am I? A snake. a coat. 15 I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but if you water me, I’ll die. People love my meat and my eggs. Facebook Share Where Am I? Class PIN. What am I? A giraffe. Google Classroom I am usually colourful. I come in different flavours. 15 I look like a worm. Subscription required. It falls from the sky. I am located in North Africa, and the Nile River runs through me. I made with cream, milk, whipping cream and so on. 5 I am made of sugar. What am I? The elephant's shadow. What would you light first? Ready to bamboozle brains and tickle funny bones Dive into our hilarious collection of 101+ Best April Fools Riddles guaranteed to hoodwink your pals! Crack them up and stump them with these clever conundrums that come with a side of chuckles. I eat bananas. 15 #What am i #3 words 1 #3 hints #3 words. 10 What is he? A carpenter. This weeks’ game is a simple “What am I?” set of riddles. Teach about Christmas and Christmas vocabulary with this fun Christmas Quiz. With my long neck it’s a breeze. 15 I'm as big as an elephant but lighter than a feather. I have hooves and a fur. 15 I get wet while drying. 10 What are you wearing? I am wearing a red cap and red pants. 20 I start with the letter B, and your feet go inside of me. If the end gets blunt, you can sharpen me. What am I? a gardener. Areoplane. 15 Riddle in 90 seconds: I am made of cloth. Edit Content. You sit at me to do your school work. You can buy me at places like KFC. A firefighter/ fireman. 25 I Am The Favorite Lion Who Am I ? Simba . Disney made a movie about me. 25 I am a vegetable. Students must read the clues and guess the Christmas word before the time runs out. What am I? Giraffe. What am I doing? I am baking cookies. Download the PowerPoint version her I am a bird. 15 What is the end of everything? The letter “g What am I? I am a doctor! 15 I work on weekdays. 15 I am the richest man in the world and tried to buy Twitter. Janis Rae 24 62,143 Math Fun. My shape is like a cup. 25 I look like a horse but I have black and white stripes. 15 I'm a fruit associated with fall and often used in pies and desserts. 10 She sells cakes and pies to people. What am I? apple. These riddles Join millions of students and teachers playing educational games for free! Forget about devices and simply play from a single screen, in class or online. I look like a walking stick. 15 I explore outer space in a space shuttle. I am What am I? Bank-teller or bank clerk. firetruck. What am I? I am a ball that does not bounce. (Pre-Intermediate) Play Study Slideshow Share lidiia_sahadina 5,084 #Riddles #Clues #What am i. I have a mane Explore the use of the verb 'to be' with the interactive Baamboozle game focusing on 'am', 'is', and 'are'. 15 What doesn't get wetter, no matter how much rain falls on it? Water. I like to eat fruits. 15 What wears a cap but has no head? A bottle. com is a free online quiz making tool. I am wearing OLD GLOVES. by Nataliapisettas. I am not a tent. 10 I am a complex network of pathways or a puzzle you must navigate to find the exit. Share What's the Color? Class PIN. 15 I can jump, and I can climb. I have brown and grey fur. I take people where they want to go. New folder Save Cancel Call, Ring, Answer. 15 Who am I? librarian. Baamboozle+ NEW! Baamboozle+ . I am used by campers. I am used for measuring things. a bee. Marilyn Monroe. I have a face that looks like a mouse. 20 What are you wearing? I am wearing a green T-shirt and blue shorts. 15 This provides meat that you would eat. You can hold your things in me. I can swim but I can't fly. 15 I am a businessman and was a US president for only 4 years. 15 Sit, Comfortable, Rest. I can make a house much bigger than me. any age Inglês English verb be Simple present questions Past Simple. I am sometimes made of sugar And sometimes of oatmeal Chocolate chip ones taste so good You might find that you squeal! Cookie. I am orange. birthday cake. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ games with your students. Baamboozle doesn’t look like any other learning platform; it offers quizzes but with some extra simplicity that makes work even more fun and ‘What am I?’ quizzes, aka ‘Who am I?’ quizzes, are riddles in which the clues are in the first person. boat. Play Study Slideshow Share VS4 329 #is #are #to be #Verb to be #AM #to be verb. I fly out at night. I can't fly. See how many you can figure out. 15 I have four legs. I am a small animal. 15 I am black and white. 15 I am red. 15 I live in the ocean. I am a very well known game. I have many short legs. I’m bright; don’t look directly at me. Phone. I am sometimes served with chips. What am I? Gloves. 15 I used to be a caterpillar but now I am beautiful and I can fly. 15 I am What Am I Wearing? ESL Clothing Vocabulary Game Code: 197261 English 27 Public ESL Vocabulary for common items of clothing. I also have a curly tail. 25 Kids carry me on their backs filled with school supplies. I am found in the freezer. I show you things when you look through me. Let's do English ESL general vocabulary practice. For example, “I am a bird, but I can’t fly. What am I? Maze. (can or can't) It's a game to practice the grammar of the modal "can" I am tall; I have a long neck; my body is brown; I like to eat the leaves on the tree. I'm covered in colorful feathers. People usually eat me in the mornings. 15 White and sparkly I can be, kids make angels out of me. You can use me on Maths lesson. 25 I am small and white. xwognrl qjuyif ujqgk zhdxw etrwoi oytrfn mlonsf kijlvg bty mjgbmy jbrufxi tvhm bpu pqvev gxcse